Saturday, February 28, 2009


This is a poem in progress. I've flirted with the art form. While I've discovered it is not my strong suit, I like to wing it when compelled.

by rosalind christine lloyd

Mind fuck-ing
Grey matters
Contorting, twisting into
Pinks, ochres, burnt sienna
Blazing golds across my mind
Soul transporting
Sense of reality shifting
Time is slipping
Mind is slipping
Mine is slipping
Digitally enhanced
Filling empty fertile, greedy spaces
Lingering aches of smooth, supple surfaces
The salty sweet irresistible taste of reality
Heavy on my palate
Soaking my senses

Wrapping ones mind around the intensity of an unforgiving emptiness
That seeps into one’s cluttered, racing, conscious mind
Questioning the inevitability of a certain destiny
Deciding whether or not
to become some warrior against the war of fate
Wrapping one’s thighs around the possibility of what’s impossible
Wrapping one’s arms around the newness of something ancient
That’s warmer than the Egyptian summer sun
Heating the desert of
many lives past
A proverbial temple

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