This is my homage to the life of Ms. Nina Simone.
For some reason I was feeling something in the air. The Divine Ms. Nina Simone, The High Priestess of Soul, kept popping into my mind and her music kept randomly coming up in my music player. And when I realized that it was close to the anniversary of her death, April 21, 2003 - it made so much sense.
It was six years ago. I was rushing back to the office after an extra long lunch. I remember it was a beautiful, sunny day. My mind was focused on several projects in progress, knowing my work load was relentless and I would have to put in some serious overtime during the next few days. So I'm hurrying across Broadway when this beautiful sister rushes toward me. Her energy is anxious, but there is also this profound sense of calmness that balanced her. It compels me to stop right in my tracks - which in New York City is highly unusual - because people rarely stop to chat with strangers. She can barely look me in my eyes but when she does, for one fleeting moment, she asks me, "have you heard of Nina Simone?" I'm speechless at first, but I felt the urgent need to respond. And so I answer in one breath, "yes." In my hands, she thrusts a colorful flier detailing the rich life and the passing on of Ms. Simone. Then she says, "I'm her daughter, please come to her memorial service today in Harlem." And after having said this, Lisa Celeste Stroud (born the same year as me) rushes away across Broadway, fliers tucked securely beneath her arm - an intense woman in pain but in peaceful mourning of her extraordinary Mother. I'm flushed with emotion of what it means to lose someone close to me, particularly my own Mother whose birthday happens to be in April. I cannot even conceive what life would be like without my Mother on this earth-journey with me. I was touched in ways I hadn't felt in a long time. I remember feeling stunned, almost paralyzed as I'm staring at Lisa Celeste's (now known as Simone) back as she moved swiftly down Broadway - me wanting to talk to her, comfort her in some way - like was it even possible? It took me a moment before I could move again, to start walking back to my office. In that one moment in time, I was reminded that everything happens for a reason and that there are no coincidences. Seldom do random experiences stay with us - but that is one forever imprinted on my soul.
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